OAuth 2.0 | Scopes, Roles & Grant Types
Scopes are the bunch of permissions which client will have once token is granted. Grant Type refers to way how an application gets tokens.
OAuth 2.0 | Access & Refresh Tokens
OAuth works on the concept of Access & Refresh Tokens. As soon as server sees token in the request, it understands the authorisation
OAuth 2.0 | Is it an API or service ? | What is OAuth actually ?
OAuth is a standard for authorization NOT authentication. It allows a website/app to access resources hosted by another website/application.
Design Patterns | Circuit Breaker | Hystrix Implementation | Part 3
After gaining complete understanding in the first two articles: https://www.techlearnings.org/single-post/design-patterns-circuit-breaker...
Design Patterns | Circuit Breaker | States | Part 2
After gaining understanding of the problem statement and solution in the first article, it's time now to further deep dive.
Design Patterns | Circuit Breaker Part 1
While working in the Microservices world, it's quite common for a service to breakdown or unable to respond within expected time.